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发表于 2009-8-2 17:00:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


如何可以让他一次过update所有的folder(after unzip become txt file and txt file list by category) ,目前是用the downloader ,manual一个一个folder去update它进入metastock,很麻烦,要是可以像EODUpdate.exe 一次过让它自动工作就好了,请求高手老大,出手帮忙,谢谢
同时我手头上有一个其它国家的autoupdate.exe (application),诺老大要参考可以联络我aimeta123@gmail.com,可是我不会写这个程序,高手老大,请出手帮忙,太感谢。。。

Test Ind.zip

62.59 KB, 下载次数: 2351

EOD 资料before unzip

发表于 2009-8-3 13:05:23 | 显示全部楼层

你幅圖片指向你自己部電腦 D 盤,  我們是看不到的  "file:///D:%255Cbp-system.com%255CEOD%2520data%2520IND.jpg"

而你的問題, 其實要買一個 MetaStock develop Kit 才可以自行開發 ~

但講到要開發,  都須要花費人力、物力、時間,  做測試、改良、再測試、再改良...... (n) 次方.......才可以有個適合使用的版本 !

如果你懂得編程, 那可以比較容易做到,  但如果你不懂,  那便沒有辦法了 ~

唯有你自己使用上將就變通一下,  你可以將你的那些檔案合掽做一個 文字檔案,

而最後改名為可以使用於 EODupdater 的檔案名稱,  e.g.  EODAUG03.txt

那便可以一次過利用 EODupdater 做到全部更新,  但當然不會替你分目錄了,

而全部會更新進  C:\Msdata\Hkindex 目錄之內  !!


相信這樣做法會簡單一點 !!

 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-6 23:10:00 | 显示全部楼层


谢谢,高手老大,先看MetaStock develop Kit是怎样操作。。。再打算
发表于 2009-8-7 10:49:36 | 显示全部楼层





MetaStock Developer's Kit

The MetaStock® Developer's Kit (MDK) is the single-stop resource for the MetaStock user experienced in programming that would like to develop tools to increase the power of their own analysis. It is also perfect for the software developer wanting to create powerful add-on modules for MetaStock users.

MetaStock is the ideal technical analysis program with which experienced developers can integrate their own customized trading solutions and is the central component of the MetaStock Solution Provider program. The Developer’s Kit includes the MetaStock File Library API, the MetaStock External Function API, and the Custom User Interface Utility.

The MetaStock File Library (MSFL) API

  • Natively read/write MetaStock price data
  • Thread Safe
  • Supports C, C++, Pascal, and Visual Basic
  • Multi-user support
  • 6000 securities per folder
  • Royalty-free distribution
  • 65,500 price data records per security
  • Implemented as a 32-bit Windows DLL
  • For experienced programmers

The MSFL API contains easy-to-use functions. With the read-only MSFL, the API includes functions for reading MetaStock price data. With the read/write MSFL, the API includes functions for reading, writing, editing, adjusting, sorting, inserting, deleting, and merging MetaStock price data. The MSFL comes as a Win 32 DLL and includes definition/header files and sample applications for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, Borland C++ Builder 4, Delphi 4, and Visual Basic 6.0. Equis uses the same MSFL for the data access in MetaStock and The DownLoader™, so you can be sure it will be reliable and compatible with MetaStock and other Equis products.

The MetaStock External Functions (MSX) API

  • Create MetaStock Custom Formula functions in a Win 32 DLL
  • Use the power of conventional programming languages
  • Sample code provided for C, C++, Pascal, and PowerBASIC
  • Seamless integration with MetaStock 7.0 or higher
  • DLL functions available to Custom Indicators, System Tests, Explorations, and Experts
  • Unlimited number of functions per DLL
  • Argument types include Data Array, Numeric, String, and Custom
  • Up to 9 arguments per function
  • Access to all price data for the current security
  • MSXTest application provided for verifying and stress-testing your DLL
  • Intended for use by experienced programmers

If you can program in one of the supported programming languages, then you can expand the functionality of the MetaStock Formula Language, create your own custom functions that can produce a standard Win32 DLL. The MSX API defines an interface that allows MetaStock to query your DLL for the list of provided functions and required arguments. Each of your functions appears automatically in MetaStock‘s "Paste Function" dialog. MSX functions are called via the "ExtFml" command in the MetaStock Formula Language.

Use MSX functions to perform complex calculations for custom indicators, pattern matching, fundamental data acquisition, etc. Distribute your MSX DLLs with accompanying Custom Indicators, Experts, or other MetaStock tools using the enhanced Formula Organizer self-installing executable feature.

MetaStock Custom User Interface Utility

  • Add or delete buttons on the MetaStock custom toolbar
  • Add or delete items on the MetaStock tools and help menus
  • Link to applications, MetaStock templates or layouts, documents, URLs, and more
  • Menu items can vary depending on whether or not a chart is opened
  • Chart menus have access to the security's name, symbol, and periodicity
  • Implemented as a command line based executable that can be called from batch files or other applications

Seamlessly integrate your custom solution with MetaStock by modifying the MetaStock custom toolbar and the MetaStock tools and help menus with links to your applications or URLs. This allows the end user to have single click access to your solution. If you can launch it from the Windows run dialog (Start menu | run), you can add it to the MetaStock custom toolbar or the MetaStock tools and help menus. This has been designed to be called from any third party setup program so that you can easily integrate your solution with MetaStock.

Formula Organizer Enhancements

Export your MSX DLLs, templates, custom indicators, explorations, system tests, and experts into a self-extracting installation program. This makes it easy for developers to create and distribute add-on products for MetaStock. And to make sure that your custom formula stays yours when you distribute it via the web or email, the export process includes options for password protection and copyright display.

DDE Server Documentation

This includes extensive instructions for using the Dynamic Data Exchange Server included with MetaStock Professional with other DDE compatible software, such as Microsoft Excel or your own custom DDE clients. The DDE Server provides easy access to your real-time price data.

Available Versions

Read-Only Version

The read-only version of MDK includes the read-only version of MSFL and is available only to developers who meet Equis' standards through a licensing process.

Read/Write Version

The read/write version of MDK includes the read/write version of MSFL and is available only to developers who meet Equis' standards through a licensing process.

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